Monday, December 15, 2008


Here you go. It's Monday and it sucks!

First things first. It is so freaking cold that is sucks my will to even step outside... forget about stepping on a skateboard today. We set a record overnight for the low temperature... 15 degrees BELOW zero. This morning, when I was driving my kids to school it was -9!! The sun is out and from indoors, it looks like a great day... then you step outside and your nose hairs all freeze with the first breath.

Second, it is Monday.

Third, it's the busiest shipping/mail day of the year. I tried to drop off some Christmas cards at the post office and the place was a zoo. People wrapped around the place trying to get stuff sent out to family and friends. Man, it's great to not have many friends sometimes...

I guess it's not all bad. Thrasher Magazine had their "Skater of the Year" party over the weekend... And the winner is: Silas Baxter-Neal

Most of you probably already knew that, but did you know Too Short busted a few rhymes.

Here's a link to some photos of the party. Looks pretty gnarly...

Oh, I almost forgot....


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