Monday, November 24, 2008


Here is this weeks Mondays Sucks:

This weeks Monday Sucks is quite simple. Today, Monday, sucks because I drove by the skatepark this morning and saw the Town of Parker Public Works people crawling all over the park. I decided to stop and see what was going on. I thought maybe something happened that they were there to see the aftermath of.... Well, something did happen, or didn't happen... i guess it's how you look at it.

It seems that they are getting very tired of paying there employees overtime for all the extra trash that they have to clean up every week. C'mon, is it really that much of a bother to go throw your trash in a can? Are you serioulsly that lazy? You'll bust your ass to learn or land a trick, but you won't give one push and roll over to the trash can?

The head of the Public Works, showed me all the bags of trash, all the trash that was still lying around the park and he used some rather interesting words to describe the masses that have been skating and enjoying the park. Normally, I would take offense to someone calling the skaters a bunch of no good s.o.b's. Today, I didn't take offense. I saw it. It was offensive.

Next week, I am meeting with the town and the PD to "discuss" the issues that have been a pain in the ass of the town. You can only imagine how excited I am to and defend you lazy bitches, so they won't turn the lights off... or worse.

One thing that really pissed me off, was to see all the Go Fast energy drink cans and all the flyers that were strewn all over the park. It pissed me off because they thought that they came from my shop... I had to tell the good folks cleaning up the park that it was not from my shop. And that I am in no way shape or form attached to the shop that this crap was from. They were a little shocked to hear me say what I said. I will not bore you with all the details. However....

I am tired of sticking up for the chad community. I will usually take the high road and be politcally correct, and not say something very negative. Well, that is over. Anyone who has ever been to an 8 Tack Ride event knows that we leave the park, parking lot, surrounding areas cleaner than when we got there. We recognize that we could lose what we have and we take care of our business. What the hell are you doing? Anything except merely taking money and stoking out the next bro?

Back in the day, when some shop owners were like 4 years old, we didn't have sick ass parks to skate at. We built our own stuff in our back yards or we took it to the streets to find a curb or a little ledge. If we were lucky, we could skate for 30 minutes before somebody called the cops. We'd keep moving to find the next spot that we could skate and not get busted. Now, we have an amazing park.... but we don't seem to want to take care of it.

Pick up your f-ing trash and put it in the cans or you may find a weeks worth of trash dumped into the bowls to show you what pigs you are! I'm not asking to pick up someone else's trash... pick up yours. Put your trash in the can. If we all take care of our own trash.... no trash in the park. Very simple concept.

Until next Monday Sucks.... Have a very Happy Thanksgiving! Keep checking back for more info and updated blogs. Oh, feel free to comment. We would love to hear what you have to say... good, bad or indifferent.

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