Sunday, November 16, 2008


I am generally a happy person; however, there are plenty of things that get under my skin. So I am taking Mondays as a pissed off day. Today's suck is this...BLANKS.

Buying blank skateboards is lame. If you consider yourself a skater in any sense of the word, yup, even you longboard gnarlies, you support skateboarding. You love skating and let it drive your life and what you do and what you are. So, why do you ride a deck that does not support anything except deforestation? You like getting those killer free stickers and posters for your locker? Free videos and product tosses from your favorite shops? How many of the companies that sell blanks give you free videos or stickers? If you buy blanks, you are not a skater. You don't love skating enough to support the industry, you want cheap crap and then you are still gonna whine about getting free stuff and besides, blanks don't even look good... they look so plain. That's what is great about graphics on decks, they have some style, some individuality. They are the avenue to express the artistic side of the industry. Real skaters spend lots of time designing and choosing a deck graphic that best fits them, whether it is bloody skulls, artistic spew or even a cool shop graphic. So next time you see someone skating a blank, help them out by telling them they are a tool.

In a nut shell, support the industry you love. Don't whine and cry about it. Just do it (see, even Nike is telling you to support it). What do you think about shops that sell blank decks?

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